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Empowering Housing Professionals


With The Social Housing (Regulation) Act introducing mandatory training for senior housing staff, many are facing the challenge of returning to education having not studied at Level 4 or 5 for some time, if at all. 

This can be daunting and even downright scary, with experienced officers wondering what will happen if they aren’t able to successfully achieve the grades required. 

Those who’ve been out of education for some time, may struggle to find the confidence to embark on a formal qualification and develop the tools needed to study. 

With the financial impact due to the increase in training costs, and the regulatory requirement that staff complete these qualifications, it's more important than ever that your staff are supported to succeed.


That's where I come in!

How can I help?

Whether it's executives seeking to attain a Level 5 Certificate or managers aiming for a Level 4 qualification, I offer personalised one-to-one and group coaching & mentoring services designed to empower housing staff to overcome barriers to achieving essential qualifications. My approach is designed to:

  • Build confidence: Transforming apprehension into assurance, empowering officers to tackle academic challenges head on.
  • Develop Study Skills:  Equipping them with practical tools and strategies to excel in academic coursework, even after years away from formal education.
  • Provide Ongoing Support: Navigate the complexities of coursework and exams. Providing guidance from an understanding of the housing sector. 
Why choose me?

As a seasoned housing professional, with more than 30 years of experience in the sector at operational, managerial and strategic levels, I understand the challenges and pressures facing your officers.

I also understand the pressures of studying later in life, having completed the Level 4 housing qualification and two Level 5 qualifications many years after leaving formal education.

As a qualified coach, and Member of the Institute of Leadership & Management, I'm committed to supporting your officers professional and personal growth.


Let's connect.

Complete my contact form to schedule a consultation and discover how I can support your journey towards qualification success. 
Sarah Smith Coaching is part of the Aphantasia Academy Ltd
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